Wednesday, August 25, 2010


One month left!!!

training is going pretty good. as good as i could hope for. i have a 16, 20, and 24 mile long run lrft which gives me a two week taper. I have been hitting most of my runs and gym sessions. Not all. i admit I could be doing better but things get in the way and such. Excuses i guess. Trails are getting easier and are pretty enjoyable. This weekend will be the big test because im going to run to the summit where the race takes place. if anything it will be a confidence boost if i can pull this off without sucking.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Half mile short of my scheduled miles. 28.5 of the 29. no big deal. I feel pretty good so far. Yesterdays 12 miler felt easy and i never really got tired. my legs were a little tight once i stopped but that is pretty standard. i got in the pool once and did sprints with fins. no time for the gym but hit all the runs. im happy with that. i have 31 miles on schedule for this week. I hope to get them all in. it just takes some planning. 31 miles sounds so little for what im training for and it almost scares me. i might have to bump up the miles even more than what i have planned. i top out at 45 miles. i think i need more with more trail runs. with this being my first 50k its all about learning. so i just hope for the best, although im confident i will finish.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Noble Canyon 50k

So i registered for Noble Canyon 50k ( race and its on September 25th 2010. 33 miles with 10 thousand feet of climbing. I have never ran more than 27 miles at once so its something i have never done. I have been wanting to do an ultra for years now and finally just went for it and signed up. I have a history of injuries when I bump up my miles so i have a different plan this time.

I dont know if this is going to work but im doing this race no matter what. Im going to get 3-4 good runs per week in concentrating on my long run. Im going to do two gym sessions a week for strength training. Focusing on legs and core. A few rides a week on my road bike and a few pool sessions.

Overall i want to have better overall fitness. I think it will keep me injury free and be more fun. This race WILL happen and i will post all of my work outs from here on out until I toe the line September 25th to keep me in check. Here is a profile for what i have got myself into.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

8 weeks left

Running with the Devil is 8 weeks out. im a little more than half way through my training plan. the first half went suprisingly well. However, the last few weeks my shins have been acting up again. i built up to 33.3 miles last week. this week was supposed to be 37. i skipped out of two runs this week in order to rest my shins. tomorrow is 16 miles. im going to do it and hope for the best. it is frustrating to have this happen right when you feel like you are getting in the best shape ever. last week i did a 14 mile LR and it was easy, i never got tired and had no soreness other than achy shins.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Almost Home!!

One week left. I cant wait to get back to San Diego. 12 weeks left until Running with the devil. so far so good. when i first got on the ship it was hard to run only two miles on the treadmill because of the heat and humidity. I got used to it though and it made me stronger. i built my long runs up to 9 miles and was hitting around 20-25 miles a week on it. it sucked but was good training for the heat. I know its not going to be anything like the real thing when its 115 degrees out but its a start. my legs are holding up well and not hurting too bad and im recovering fairly quickly.

I have 30 miles planned this week, which i have never hit before. I have always injured myself before i reached this point. When i looked back at my old training logs I was shocked that i never kept any kind of consistancy or volume. I dont know how the hell i ran a marathon with that low of miles. I also want to do a half marathon sometime at the end of May and see what time i can pull off. I really want to break 1:45 but would be happy with sub 1:50.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

new plan

Running with the Devil marathon in June. Silverman Iron distance TRI in November. I cant wait!!! I have been wanting to do an ironman for years now. I turn 30 this year and I want to challenge myself. I am building my miles on a treadmill that is possibly the worst treadmill known to man for many reasons. 1) when you open the door you are smacked in the face with funk, really really bad funk. 2) Its on a ship which rocks all over the place and you have to hold on to something. 3) It's in a small room with NO ventilation and high humidity so a quarter mile into the run you already start sweating and by mile 2 it looks like you jumped in a pool. No joke. The farthest I have run on it was 5 miles. The toughest 5 miles i have ever run. With the Running with the Devil marathon coming up I think it will help, not only physically but mentally. I have a feeling most of the marathon is going to be a HUGE mental challenge with no where to go to escape the heat. After that marathon I am going to start building up my bike miles and put in a lot more time in the pool to start ramping up for Silverman. I cant wait to get back! I miss my family and SD. For the most part, other Countries suck ass. Although tongue and cheek are pretty tasty.