Saturday, April 4, 2009

In San Diego now

Im finally in San Diego and im starting to get back into shape again after about 3 weeks of not running. Traveling across country in a car and the move in general made it hard to have time to run. I have found a flat course around my house which is the only flat area aound here. Away from that there are some very steep and long hills and they are everywhere.

I just started my training program for my upcoming half in June. its called running with the devil. The race takes place at lake mead in Vegas in the middle of summer and the middle of the day. OUCH!! I know its going to suck but I also know that I can run 13.1 miles, but I don't know if I can run 13.1 miles in 120 degree heat. That's why I'm doing it. I want to see what happens. I don't have a time goal nor will I, I just want to finish.

This race I'm also going to use as a build up race for the ET 51k in August. The farthest I have ran before was 27 miles. 27 because my last marathon i parked a mile away from the start and after getting out of the car was informed the race began 15 min ago so we took off booking from there. the start was a ghost town and it took about 3 miles into the course to catch up. o well, shitty way to start a marathon, my plans for starting slow was shot. So, as I was saying the 51k is a midnight ultra marathon out in the middle of area 51.

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